Fundraising for Police Officer’s Two Year Old Son Lawson Motley
Fundraising for Police Officer’s Two Year Old Son Lawson Motley
Fundraising for Police Officer’s Two Year Old Son Lawson Motley.Challenge coin USA created a coin to help with the fundraising for the police officers two-year-old son that been diagnosed with brain cancer. Challenge Coin USA donated $600 to the fLawson Fund.
We are sad to say that Lawson did not recover from his cancer. RIP 🙁
My daddy is an 11-year veteran police officer serving with the Henrico County police department SWAT team, and he also served in the USMC. My mom is an elementary school teacher, and she likes to draw. My brother Justice is six years old, he loves me very much and is learning martial arts. He is very strong 🙂 I love riding on bicycles and love to be pulled around in a wagon.
Lawson Motley was born in September of 2006. Besides occasional ear infections, Lawson was a smart, joyful, playful and seemingly healthy baby. In November of 2007, the bombshell was dropped when we were informed that Lawson had medulloblastoma (brain cancer.) Lawson given a 70% chance of surviving and a 50% chance cancer would return within the first year. The day after Thanksgiving of 2007, brain surgery was performed which led to a 90-95% resection of the tumor. In December of 2007, Lawson started a chemotherapy regimen to attempt to destroy the remaining cancer cells. The first three rounds of chemotherapy were tough. Each round was fairly consistent. Lawson would be admitted for 3-5 days to receive the chemotherapy. After approximately a week Lawson would be readmitted for a fever/infection due to his low blood counts from the chemotherapy. Lawson would stay in the hospital for another week to receive antibiotics and to buy time for his counts to come up. Lawson would go home for a week and then start the next round. Each cycle was a 21-day series. During one of the first three rounds of chemo, Lawson readmitted for the normal high fever/infection. While Heather (mom) was holding Lawson, Lawson started to shiver and presented pale with mottled skin. Shortly after, Lawson began a full body seizure. The Doctors administered anti-seizure medicine which made Lawson stop breathing. Lawson to be intubated and placed on a ventilator. This has been one of the scariest moments to date. The last three rounds of chemo were scheduled to be high dose rounds followed up with stem cell transplants. Lawson handled these rounds well. After the second round when he was scheduled to go home, Lawson had a scheduled MRI (4-4-08). The MRI showed the tumor had grown back. This was devastating. We thought we were near the end of the living nightmare we had been living since November of 2007. Doctors seemed to be perplexed. We were sent to DC children’s hospital to consult with a Doctor who was performing an experimental treatment on medulloblastomas. This Doctor along with all the Doctors had never had or seen a case where the tumor had grown back during the middle of chemotherapy treatments. The DC doctor suggested that Lawson had a 10% chance of surviving. The Doctors in Richmond did not feel the situation was that grave. We were informed that Lawson needed to have another surgery followed up by radiation. Radiation was not the first option from the beginning due to his age. Radiation is not recommended for kids under three years old due to the long-term side effects. 2nd Brian Surgery:On 4-1-08 Lawson had his second brain surgery. The surgeon suggested the procedure went well and that he had moved everything that he could see. Lawson released three days after his surgery. We were expecting a 3-4 week hospital stay like the first surgery. We were pleasantly surprised. Lawson seemed to be recovering well. Six days after being home Lawson started screaming, throwing up and passing out. EMS transported him to the hospital. Lawson diagnosed with a bacterial infection. We are currently in the hospital fighting this infection as of this writing. The support we have received from family, friends, co-workers, and people we don’t even know have been incredible. The endless acts of kindness from all of these groups would go far beyond the 5000 character maximum I have to write Lawson’s story. Just about everyone I talk to advises me they have been praying for Lawson. A lot of them further advise that they have their entire churches praying for them. I have personally seen the prayers work and I think God Lawson has been victorious during each little battle he has endured. Praying every day that Lawson will ultimately be victorious, not a victim, with the war he is fighting with cancer. I am so proud that he has refused to be a victim thus far. His courageousness, strength, and endurance have inspired many of us the last 6-7 months. Please keep praying? ![]() ![]() |